Chapman’s List Barristers carries on the legacy and heritage of our antecedents Howells’, Roberts’ and Laurence’s Lists. We are proud to celebrate the achievements of our former members and recognise the significant contribution they have made to the judiciary in Victoria, interstate and at the Federal level.

The Chapman's List Barristers
history of appointments:
Federal Court of Australia
- The Hon. Justice Kenny
- The Hon. Justice Tracey RFD
- Deputy District Registrar Allaway
Family Court of Australia
- The Hon. Justice Bennett
Federal Circuit Court of Australia
- Judge H Riley
- Judge P Burchardt
- Judge S Jones
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
- Robert Cameron – Full Time Senior Member
Victorian Court of Appeal
- The Hon. Justice Redlich
Supreme Court of Victoria
- The Hon. Justice Bell
- The Hon. Justice Cavanough
- The Hon. Justice Hargrave
- The Hon. Justice Judd
County Court of Victoria
- Judge S Cohen
- Deputy Chief Judge M Sexton
- Judge M Bourke
- Judge P Coish
- Judge F Hampel
- Judge P Grant
- Judge D Allen
- Judge D Parsons
- Judge P Wischusen
- Judge M Taft
- Judge C Ryan
- Judge P Rozen
Magistrates’ Court of Victoria
- Magistrate T Hassard
- Magistrate K Parkinson
- Magistrate G McNamara
- Magistrate G Connellan
- Magistrate C Tan
- Magistrate A Burchill
- Magistrate R Kune
- Magistrate C Kilias
- Magistrate K Rose
- Magistrate T Greenway
- Magistrate J Fitzgerald
Children’s Court of Victoria
- Judicial Registrar J Benson
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal
- Neill Campbell (Full Time Member)
- Edward de Zilwa
NSW District Court
- Judge S Grant
Northern Territory Local Court
- D Bamber SM
Magistrates’ Court of Queensland
- Magistrate A Thacker