Restraint Of Trade

Margo Harris

Margo Harris

Her career has involved appearing in a wide range of courts and tribunals both Australia-wide and internationally. Before coming to the Bar in 2011, she worked as a solicitor in Australia and London, including in-house counsel at an ASX listed company. Her broad ranging commercial practice straddles diverse industries, including agribusiness, construction and infrastructure, energy …

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Marian C Clarkin

Outside of court, Marian also regularly represents clients to negotiate settlements and participate in mediations, as well as drafting and settling documents and providing advice. Marian has a broad practice, which often involves complex matters where many areas of the law overlap and there are multiple related proceedings on foot. Marian practises in the areas …

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James Kewley

James Kewley

Trial Counsel James considers himself primarily a trial counsel. In recent years James’ practice has consisted primarily of conducting Supreme Court and Federal Court commercial litigation briefed by both large Melbourne and Sydney firms and smaller legal practices in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. In earlier years, James conducted numerous hearings in the Magistrates’ …

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David Robertson KC

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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