
Susan Porter

Susan Porter

Her experience includes matters relating to leases, easements, caveats, co-ownership, as well as handling planning, building and construction matters and disputes, and general contractual disputes. She has also represented clients before licensing and disciplinary tribunals, and appears in the Supreme Court, County Court, Magistrates’ Court and in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Before joining …

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John O’Halloran

John O’Halloran

John is regularly briefed to appear and advise in all Victorian courts and tribunals. His instructors recognise the value of his strategic advice, rigorous attention to detail, and ability to empower clients to make good decisions in litigation. NOTABLE MATTERS & EXPERTISE: Some of John’s notable matters since coming to the Bar have included work in: …

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Bernard Carr

Mr Carr’s professional experience includes 15 years as a consulting engineer and over 25 years as a lawyer. Between 1980 and 1994 he worked as a geotechnical engineer with an international consulting firm, residing and working in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and PNG, as well as numerous locations in Western and Northern Australia, in the mining, natural gas, land …

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David Robertson KC

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

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