Juvenile / Children's Court

Adam Maloney

Adam practices in all areas of criminal law. He also accepts briefs in disciplinary and regulatory matters including matters proceeding before and initiated by public authorities. Adam is an experienced solicitor advocate who has acted in summary, indictable and appellate matters in the Magistrates’, Children’s and County Court jurisdictions. Adam regularly appears in Intervention Order …

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Emily Allan

Emily comes to the Bar with over 10 years of experience as a solicitor-advocate in criminal law.  She has appeared regularly in the Magistrates’, County and Supreme Courts in plea hearings, contested committals, appeals against sentence, bail applications, and contraventions. Emily has also appeared in the County Koori Court. Immediately prior to being called to …

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Veronika Drago

Veronika Drago

Veronika accepts briefs in all criminal matters and appears in all jurisdictions. Prior to being called to the Bar, Veronika worked as a solicitor advocate in criminal law in private practice at Doogue & O’Brien (now Doogue + George) and Slater and Gordon. She also worked as a solicitor advocate at the Aboriginal and Torres …

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Natalie Sheridan-Smith

Natalie Sheridan-Smith

Natalie has a busy advocacy practice in a range of contested and complex indictable crime, summary crime, family and Children’s Court Family Division matters.

Andrew Imrie

Andrew Imrie

His briefs generally involve some aspect of public or criminal law. He is equally comfortable and experienced working alone or as part of a team of lawyers. He has conducted many complex proceedings unled as well as working successfully with many of Australia’s most prominent silks. He has a strong paperwork practice and is regularly …

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