Intervention Orders

Adam Maloney

Adam practices in all areas of criminal law. He also accepts briefs in disciplinary and regulatory matters including matters proceeding before and initiated by public authorities. Adam is an experienced solicitor advocate who has acted in summary, indictable and appellate matters in the Magistrates’, Children’s and County Court jurisdictions. Adam regularly appears in Intervention Order …

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Veronika Drago

Veronika Drago

Veronika accepts briefs in all criminal matters and appears in all jurisdictions. Prior to being called to the Bar, Veronika worked as a solicitor advocate in criminal law in private practice at Doogue & O’Brien (now Doogue + George) and Slater and Gordon. She also worked as a solicitor advocate at the Aboriginal and Torres …

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Nigel Leslie

Nigel Leslie

Since coming to the Bar, Nigel has appeared in the Magistrate’s Court, the County Court, and the Federal Magistrate’s Court, as well as the Court of Appeal as junior counsel. He has also appeared at Arbitrations and VOCAT.

Michael Sanger

Michael Sanger

Read with A. A. Nolan QC. His practice has an emphasis on corporate insolvency, bankruptcy, other unsecured enforcement, including demand or notice set aside proceedings,oppression actions, preference recovery, public examinations, and registration and enforcement of foreign judgments or arbitral awards. He also appears as a generalist in most other areas including, family property, summary crime …

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Gregory Buchhorn

Gregory Buchhorn

Before coming to the Bar, Greg was Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Maxwell AC, President of the Victorian Court of Appeal. Greg read with Graeme Hill and his senior mentor was Claire Harris QC. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

David Downey

David Downey

Since coming to Australia, David as a solicitor gained 10 years experience in Crimes Compensation/Victims of Crime Assistance applications including appearance work at the Tribunal. David has also had the conduct of a number of applications for compensation under S85 of the Sentencing Act 1991 in both the county court and the Supreme Court.

Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions”: Naguib Mahfouz “When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, mediate”: [apologies to Al Gore] …

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