Professional Negligence

Robert Shepherd

Robert Shepherd

Robert brings to his clients the experience of 34 years of full time practice in the conduct of cases in Courts, Tribunals and in mediation. His pre and post litigation advice and attention to detail in his written work, has resulted in many matters being resolved before and after litigation. He has a busy practice …

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Richard Lawson

Richard Lawson

Richard was married in 1991, has a toy poodle, and plays the piano.

Reiko Okazaki

She regularly appears in civil, criminal and administrative law matters at all levels and in a number of different jurisdictions such as the Magistrates Court, County Court, Supreme Court, Federal Circuit Court, Children’s Court, and VCAT. She advises in matters including insurance claims, professional negligence and contractual disputes, among others. Prior to being called to …

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Ramon Fowler

Ramon Fowler

He accepts briefs from plaintiffs and defendants. He also accepts briefs for criminal law matters. Prior to coming to the Bar, Ramon worked as a solicitor at Maddocks Lawyers and Coulter Roache Lawyers, practising in litigation and property law. He is reading with Matthew Walsh. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Margo Harris

Margo Harris

Her career has involved appearing in a wide range of courts and tribunals both Australia-wide and internationally. Before coming to the Bar in 2011, she worked as a solicitor in Australia and London, including in-house counsel at an ASX listed company. Her broad ranging commercial practice straddles diverse industries, including agribusiness, construction and infrastructure, energy …

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Lindy Barrett

Lindy Barrett

Lindy has appeared in the Supreme (including Appeals), County and Magistrates’ Courts in Victoria, as well as the Federal Court, VCAT and various Royal Commissions. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Douglas James

Douglas James

Douglas appears in both state and federal jurisdictions at all levels, and has experience dealing in all stages of the litigation process, from opinion and advice work, pleadings, mediation, interlocutory and trial work. Examples of types of cases: Among others, he has appeared or advised in relation to matters such as: contractual disputes, insolvency disputes …

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Daniel Cole

Daniel Cole

“You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions”: Naguib Mahfouz “When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. When you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have neither, mediate”: [apologies to Al Gore] …

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Bernard Carr

Mr Carr’s professional experience includes 15 years as a consulting engineer and over 25 years as a lawyer. Between 1980 and 1994 he worked as a geotechnical engineer with an international consulting firm, residing and working in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and PNG, as well as numerous locations in Western and Northern Australia, in the mining, natural gas, land …

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Andrew Laird

Andrew Laird

He specialises in technology, construction and engineering disputes and related litigation (including professional indemnity claims) in State and Federal jurisdictions. Mr Laird has embraced the move to paperless litigation in order to service instructing solicitors and clients cost effectively, efficiently and quickly. Needless to say, this is particularly important in the current COVID-19 impacted environment. …

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