
Rolf Sorensen

Rolf Sorensen

He also practices in industrial law and administrative law more generally as well as appearing in a range of commercial and criminal matters. Rolf is a reporter for the Victorian Reports and has written Head-Notes for cases involving wide-ranging areas of law, including Statutory Interpretation, Human Rights, Negligence (Workplace, Professional, Etc), Occupational Health&Safety, Accident Compensation, …

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Nicholas Bird

Nicholas Bird

Prior to coming to the Bar, Nicholas worked as a policy adviser to the Victorian Government. In particular, he advised on regulatory issues affecting small businesses in Victoria. He also previously worked as a consultant with PwC Australia. Nicholas completed degrees in Arts and in Law at Monash University. He also completed a Master of …

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Mitchell Latham

Mitchell practises largely in commercial, employment, estates and common law with a particular focus on: He also regularly acts for and advises employers in occupational health and safety matters. He has appeared unled in both jury and judge alone trials; in the Court of Appeal; and in the Full Court of the Federal Court.  Before coming to …

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Marian C Clarkin

Outside of court, Marian also regularly represents clients to negotiate settlements and participate in mediations, as well as drafting and settling documents and providing advice. Marian has a broad practice, which often involves complex matters where many areas of the law overlap and there are multiple related proceedings on foot. Marian practises in the areas …

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Julie Zhou

Julie Zhou

Before coming to the Bar, Julie was senior in-house counsel at Monash University where she acted for and advised the University on issues of public and administrative law, disciplinary proceedings, discrimination and negligence claims. Julie was also in-house counsel for State and Federal governments in the ACT and in Victoria. She was a solicitor advocate …

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Gregory Buchhorn

Gregory Buchhorn

Before coming to the Bar, Greg was Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Maxwell AC, President of the Victorian Court of Appeal. Greg read with Graeme Hill and his senior mentor was Claire Harris QC. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.

Georgia McMaster

Georgia McMaster

A barrister specialising in criminal jury trials and appeals for almost twenty years, (primarily briefed by the Crown). Other briefs include conducting matters on behalf of AHPRA, duty lawyer work before the Mental Health Review Tribunal, counsel assisting / legal member in various matters such as Teacher’s Registration Board investigations, legal practitioner complaint boards, and …

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Dr. Angela O’Brien

Dr. Angela O’Brien

Angela joined the Bar after 24 years as an academic in the creative arts area. Angela has a particular interest in ADR. She is a graded arbitrator with the Resolutions Institute and was formerly an elected member of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators National Council 2004 – 2010 and President in 2008/9. She has …

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